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Real-world example of adding SAML authentication to a JBoss application

What is SAML?

SAML stands for Security Assertion Markup Language. It's an XML-based markup language and also an open security protocol standard. The most important feature of this protocol is Web Browser Single Sign-On (SSO.) SSO allows users to login once and never be prompted for login/password later.

In this post we'll describe how to add SAML support to existing web application with the bare minimum of modifications to the …

When Too Smart Becomes Stupid: fixing a RoR PgSQL driver issue

One of our customers who is using Ruby on Rails with the PostgreSQL database backend notified us of a long-standing issue with the database driver: Lighthouse ticket #3721

The driver is doing something that at first glance looks like a smart thing, but apparently it's not that smart. What it does is it tries to detect the bit-string notation (binary vs. hexadecimal) based on the string content passed to it. …

Finally, a Real Pastebin Plugin for Redmine

It was rather puzzling to me why Redmine doesn't come with a Pastebin module and why there's no plugin for that.

One of the proposed "solutions" is to start a new wiki page, and put some <code> markup there. While this seems to work, it has some limitations a real pastebin component wouldn't suffer from. First thing that comes to mind is that you need a unique name to start …