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PostgreSQL Conference: A new platform

In my on going efforts to secure a location for the upcoming East (MIT, Penn State, Drexel and even the Marriot are on the list), I am bound and determined to revamp the entire Pgcon.US website. I have several problems/goals I wish to solve.
  1. A more community orientated site. Currently the site is 100% manage by me. Although it does use PHP it is essentially flat files.
  2. A social …

PostgreSQL Certification: JTA results released

The PostgreSQL Certification project has released the results of the Job Task Analysis. Thanks to everyone who participated in this important step toward delivering a quality certification. 223 members took the time and effort to fill out the survey. A couple of interesting results. There were 213 members felt we needed a certification. That is a sharp contrast to exposed opinions of some in the community. Of all the results …

PostgreSQL Certification: JTA now closed

Thanks to everyone that took the time to participate in the PostgreSQL Certification JTA. We received over 223 respondents which is great. We will be posting the results of the JTA shortly and if you would like to participate in the resulting project discussion please join us.

PostgreSQL Certification (JTA closes November 14th)

The PostgreSQL certification project is in the closing days of the JTA (Job Task Analysis). In short, what should the PostgreSQL certification project, certify? In hacker terms, "What is the problem we are trying to solve?". It is relatively long but the information is of extreme value to ensure that the project develops a relevant certification to the professional PostgreSQL community. If you haven't done so already please create an …

You are not good enough (for Open Source)

A segment of the talk I gave at NAU on why you should contribute to Open Source and why you think you can't. Original idea credited to Matt S. Trout.

Updated 11/05/08 from Matt Trout: the version he gave at YAPC-EU 2008

The Open Source job market

The following is a segment of the talk I gave at Northern Arizona State University about the Open Source job market.

PostgreSQL Replicator developer meeting 10/28

With the recent open sourcing of Replicator, the team has been trying to come up with ways to ensure an open development process. In that light we have decided to have our first release 1.9 meeting on Freenode. All people interested in participating in a discussion about the upcoming Replicator 1.9 are welcome to attend. The current topics are:
  • New MCP architecture
  • DDL Replication
  • Release timeline
  • Questions
Replicator is set …

Replicator 1.8 Beta released as BSD

It took longer than we expected, but Replicator 1.8 for 8.1 and 8.3 of PostgreSQL has been released. It is 100% Open Source and of course, BSD. Replicator all your baby elephants here.

Thanks to all that helped with PostgreSQL Conference West

PostgreSQL Conference West was a big hit this weekend. It exceeded expectations of attendance as well as content. I would like to take a moment to thank the people that took time out of their personal lives to help make this conference a success!
  • Daniel Browning
  • Selena Decklemann
  • Lisa Drake
  • Josh Berkus
  • Richard Broersma Jr.
  • Tim Bruce
  • Rafael de Jess Fernndez Moctezuma
  • Lacey Powers
  • Gabrielle Roth
  • David Wheeler
  • Mark Wong …

On the morning of West, East 08 appears!

In preparing for West I decided we weren't going to go through the hassle we went through at East with recording. We ran out of tapes, had to borrow all the cameras, even used some digital cameras video mode. That combined with a lack of hardware to pull the video off of tapes caused content from East08 to be significantly delayed on getting to the web.

We purchased three cameras …