That's right folks, it is time for second call. Content is being submitted steadily. At PgWest last year, we received well over our capacity of content and we would like to keep that trend going.
The PostgreSQL Conference for Developers,End Users and Decision Makers, is being held at the Hotel Pennsylvania,in New York City from March 22nd through 25th 2011. Please join us in continuing to make this the largest PostgreSQL Conference series!
- PostgreSQL Conference
- Call for papers
Thank you to our sponsors:
- Command Prompt, Inc.
- EnterpriseDB
Time line:
Dec 16th: Talk submission opens
This year we will be continuing our trend of covering the entire PostgreSQL ecosystem. We would like to see talks and tutorials on the following topics:
Feb 10th: Talk submission closes
Feb 15th: Speaker notification
* General PostgreSQL: * Administration * Performance * High Availability * Migration * GIS * Integration * Solutions and White Papers * The Stack: * Python/Django/Pylons/TurboGears/Custom * Perl5/Catalyst/Bricolage * Ruby/Rails * Java (PLJava would be great)/Groovy/Grails * Operating System optimization (Linux/FBSD/Solaris/Windows) * Solutions and White Papers