PgEast... over and an exciting announcement from the .Org infrastructure team
So PgEast is over. You wouldn't know it yet by looking at the website, but it is. We maxed out at ~ 160 people. That is an almost 2x increase over last year at East. It is also a significant increase over West last October. This is an exciting time for this conference series.

The trainings were also successful, I had 19 (of a max 20) show for my Performance and Maintenance class, and I know the other classes had similar attendance.

Due to the success of East, we are going to be moving West to a hotel as well. There was overwhelming support for not returning to a college. Although most were supportive of the reason we used colleges in the past, they were also firm in their belief that further growth of the conferences will require a step up into the professional realm. That means a hotel.

There was also an exciting infrastructure announcement from the .Org sysadmin team. Core team member, Dave Page announced in his talk that .Org will be moving from FreeBSD and jails to Debian Linux and virtualization. This is a long time needed change and I am very glad to be part of the team that will be assisting in this move. I believe that this change will help us entice more people to be part of the sysadmins team and allow for a more diversified and flexible infrastructure.