PgEast Talks posted
I blogged last week about a small list of content being up for the conference. I am now pleased to announce that 99% of the topics are up. I would say 100% but I keep getting new talks that look good and am trying to accommodate them as the schedule allows. When I review the talks, I see a lot of good content. Of particular interest to me is the talk from the FAA (yes that FAA) as well as Kevin Grittner's talk on Transaction Isolation. I am also keen on seeing Chander's training class on HS/SR/PITR but unfortunately I will also be teaching on Sunday. I won't be giving the keynote this year. Instead Ed Boyajian, President and CEO of EnterpriseDB will be. This is probably a good choice considering my Keynote is always somewhat of an Un-Keynote. I am curious to see where Ed thinks things are moving and how quickly. I will be doing the Conference launch and closing session. This year we will continue the trend of having a raffle at the end of the conference. If you haven't registered yet, now is the time.