We were able to fund two features for PostgreSQL, both of which will hopefully hit for 9.2. The first is work to be done by Greg Smith with pg_stat_statement. The other was fully funded by Heroku which is standardized URI support for libpq and psql. It is my hope that we will continue to use PostgreSQL Conference to actively fund features.
That said, there are changes in the wind. First, PostgreSQL Conference is changing from a semi-annual conference to an annual conference. There is just no way the community can support four north american conference (PgWest, PgEast, PgCon, Postgres Open). What is unknown at this point is whether or not PgWest and PgEast will continue, or if we will just merge them and have PostgreSQL Conference. What is known is that the next conference will not be on the East coast. We are currently negotiating with Denver, Seattle, and San Jose (for a repeat).
So what else is new? Generally speaking, the PostgreSQL conference is operated by a small team within CMD with a few select community members and partners picking up some stray pieces. That has changed this time around. We have an organization and planning committee of 26, all of whom are community members and attendees and/or speakers of the conference. These folks have been an invaluable input to the conference, allowing us to learn from the people that are actually giving us the money to pull this conference off.
Stay tuned for more information in the next couple of weeks on various decisions in regards to the conference!