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How to Get the Current Date in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL provides a Date function named CURRENT_DATE, which retrieves the current/today’s date. It retrieves the date in “YYYY-MM-DD” format.

How to Get the Current Time With Timezone in PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL provides a built-in DateTime function named CURRENT_TIME that retrieves the current time with time zone offset.

How to Get the Current Date and Time Without Time Zone in PostgreSQL

In Postgres, a built-in function named “LOCALTIMESTAMP” is used to get today’s Date and Time without timezone information.

PostgreSQL STRING_AGG() Function With Examples

The STRING_AGG() function in Postgres is used to concatenate multiple strings into a single string, separated by a specific delimiter/separator.

How to Create a View in PostgreSQL

In Postgres, the CREATE VIEW statement defines a new view based on the selected table(s). To create a view from several tables, use the CREATE VIEW statement with INNER JOIN.

How to List Views in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, the “\d”, “\dv”, “\dv+” commands, “information_schema.views”, etc., are used to list all the views from a database.

PostgreSQL ALTER VIEW Statement With Examples

In Postgres, the ALTER VIEW command modifies the views’ definition, such as setting the column's default value, changing the view’s owner, renaming a view, etc.

PostgreSQL CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW - How to Modify View’s Defining Query

Postgres provides a “CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW” statement to create a new view or replace an existing view's defining query. It allows us to modify the defining query of a view without dropping a view. It defines a new view if the desired view doesn’t exist already or modifies the view’s defining query if it already exists.

This blog explains how to replace the view’s definition using the “CREATE or …

PostgreSQL - List All Columns of a Specific Table

In PostgreSQL, the “\d” command, “\d+” command, “information_schema”, and “pgAdmin” are used to list all columns of a table.

PostgreSQL: Listing and Switching Databases in psql

“\List”, “\l”, and “pg_database” is used in SQL Shell to get the database list. While to switch databases in SQL Shell, the “\c” and “\connect” commands are used.