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PostgreSQL quote_nullable() Function

The quote_nullable() function in PostgreSQL is used to enclose the string within single quotations. The string is provided to the function as an argument and it returns the single quote enclosed string.

PostgreSQL to_hex() Function

Postgres offers the to_hex() function to convert a number/numeric value into its hexadecimal representation. It takes an integer as an argument and returns a string data type

PostgreSQL json_object() Function

The PostgreSQL json_object() function builds a JSON object from the provided TEXT array or arrays. It takes a text array or two text arrays.

PostgreSQL json_each_text() Function

The PostgreSQL json_each_text() function converts the JSON object into its small decomposed key-value pairs.

PostgreSQL json_to_record() Function

The Postgres json_to_record() function takes a top-level JSON object as input, converts it into a table record/row, and returns it.

PostgreSQL json_to_recordset() Function

In PostgreSQL, the user can convert the data stored in JSON objects (as key-value pairs) to a set of table rows. This operation can be performed by making use of the json_to_recordset() function. The json_to_recordset() function takes a JSON array, which can contain one or more JSON objects. The json_to_recordset() function converts those JSON objects into the set of table records/rows. Let’s start learning the json_to_recordset() function with examples.

PostgreSQL …

Understanding PostgreSQL jsonb_typeof() and json_typeof()

The PostgreSQL json_typeof() function and the jsonb_typeof() function are used to get the data types of the JSON and JSONB values, respectively, in the string format.

How to Use ASCII() Function in Postgres

In PostgreSQL, the ASCII() function is used to find the ASCII code for the given characters. This character can be a special character as well.

PostgreSQL degrees() Function

The degrees() function takes in the angle in radians with double precision data type, and converts and returns the angle value in degrees also having double precision data type.

PL/pgSQL Errors and Messages

Postgres offers several methods to display/show these errors to users and notify them through messages so that the program can be executed normally as expected and without any interruption.