How to Find Length of a String in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, the LENGTH() function is used to calculate the string’s length. It returns the total number of characters. PostgreSQL facilitates us with two more length functions named OCTET_LENGTH() and BIT_LENGTH(). The OCTET_LENGTH() and BIT_LENGTH() functions return the string length in the form of bytes and bits, respectively.

This post will demonstrate the working of length functions with the help of multiple examples.

PostgreSQL: LENGTH() Function

Here is the basic syntax of the Postgres LENGTH() function:


In the above snippet, the LENGTH() is a function, while str represents a string accepted by the LENGTH() function. The string can be text, a single character, char type, varchar, or ‘character varying’ type.

Example #1: How Does the LENGTH() Function Work in PostgreSQL?

Let’s pass “” to the LENGTH() function and see what the output will be:

img 1

The output clarifies that the LENGTH() function generated the desired result.

Example #2: Pass an Empty String to the LENGTH() Function

Postgres allows us to pass an empty string to the LENGTH() function:

img 2

The output shows the appropriateness of the LENGTH() function.

Example #3: Pass NULL to the LENGTH()

Let’s pass the NULL as a parameter to the LENGTH() function:

img 3

The output shows that this time the LENGTH() function returns a null value.

Example #4: Pass a White Space to the LENGTH() Function

You can pass a white space as a parameter to the LENGTH() function as shown in the below snippet:

img 4

The LENGTH() function returns 1, which shows that the LENGTH() function considers the white space as a character.

Example #5: Pass a Currency Symbol to the LENGTH Function

Let’s pass the currency symbol '₩' to the LENGTH() function:

img 5

The output shows that the LENGTH() function returns an accurate number.

Example #6: How to Use LENGTH() Function on Table’s Data?

We have created a table named submit_article in our database. Let’s fetch the table details using the SELECT query:

SELECT * FROM submit_article;

The article_name column holds the string type data. Let's calculate the length of each string using the LENGTH() function:

SELECT LENGTH(article_name) FROM submit_article;

Using the LENGTH() function, we will find the length of each string in the article_name column:


This is how the LENGTH() function works on table’s data.

PostgreSQL: OCTET_LENGTH() Function

The OCTET_LENGTH() function takes a string/text as an argument and returns the total bytes present in the targeted string. The below syntax is used to get the string’s length in the form of bytes:


In example 5 of the previous section, we passed the currency symbol to the LENGTH() function. As a result, the LENGTH() function returns 1. Now let’s pass the same symbol to the OCTET_LENGTH() function, Consequently, you will observe a clear difference.

Example: Find the String’s Length in Bytes?

Let’s run the following query to get the string’s length in the form of Bytes:

img 6

Although '₩' is a single character. However, it takes 3 bytes therefore, the OCTET_LENGTH() function returns 3(bytes) instead of 1(character).

PostgreSQL: BIT_LENGTH() Function

The BIT_LENGTH() function takes a string/text as an argument and returns the total bits present in the targeted string.

Example: How to Find the Number of Bits in PostgreSQL?

In this example, we will pass the same currency symbol to the BIT_LENGTH() function:

img 7

The output shows that the '₩' sign consists of 24 bits.


The LENGTH() function in PostgreSQL finds the length of a specific string. It receives a string as an argument/parameter and returns the total number of characters. PostgreSQL provides two more length functions named OCTET_LENGTH() and BIT_LENGTH(). The OCTET_LENGTH() and BIT_LENGTH() functions return the string length in the form of bytes and bits, respectively. This write-up explained how to find the string’s length in Postgres.