How to Insert or Delete Multiple Rows in PostgreSQL

Inserting new data to a table or deleting unnecessary data from a table are frequently performed operations in any database, including PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL provides INSERT and DELETE statements to insert or delete the records from a table. In Postgres, use the comma-separated syntax with the INSERT query to insert multiple rows into a table. And use the delete statement with an IN clause to delete multiple records from a table.

This post will teach you how to insert or delete multiple/bulk rows from a PostgreSQL table via practical examples.

How to Insert or Delete Multiple Rows in PostgreSQL

Follow the steps below to insert or delete multiple/bulk rows.

So, let’s get started with the table creation.

Create a Sample Table

Firstly, we create a sample table with multiple columns: st_id, st_name, st_department, st_age:

CREATE TABLE staff_information(
st_name TEXT,
st_department TEXT,

The “CREATE TABLE” message in the output window indicates that the “staff_information” table has been created. You can verify the table’s creation via the below command:

SELECT * FROM staff_information;

The table’s structure shows that the staff_information table has been created with four columns: st_id, st_name, st_department, and st_age.

Insert Multiple Rows

To insert multiple rows simultaneously into the staff_information table, execute the INSERT statement with comma-separated syntax as follows:

INSERT INTO staff_information(st_id, st_name, st_department, st_age)
VALUES (1, 'Joe', 'Writing', 26),
(2, 'Joseph', 'Graphic Designing', 25),
(3, 'William', 'Graphic Designing', 27),
(4, 'Natie', 'Web Development’, 26),
(5, 'Joe', 'Web Development’, 26),
(6, 'Stephanie', 'HR', 26);

We utilize the INSERT INTO statement to insert rows into the staff_information table. After that, we utilize the VALUES keyword with the comma-separated syntax to specify the values/rows to be inserted in the staff_information table.


The output window shows that multiple rows have been inserted into the staff_information table. Verify the table’s data via the command:

SELECT * FROM staff_information;

The output snippet verifies that all records have been successfully inserted into the staff_information table.

Delete Multiple Rows

Run the DELETE statement with the IN clause to delete/remove multiple rows from a Postgres table. Suppose we need to delete four rows from the staff_information table having ids “1, 3, 4, 6”:

DELETE FROM staff_information
WHERE st_id IN (1, 3, 4, 6);

In the above snippet,

  • We Specified the table’s name after the DELETE FROM keyword.
  • Next, we specified the column’s name within the WHERE clause.
  • Finally, we specified the rows to be deleted within the IN clause.

The output proves that four rows have been deleted from the staff_information table. To verify the deletion of the rows, run the below command:

SELECT * FROM staff_information;

The output shows that only two rows have been left in the staff_information table, which confirms the bulk deletion.


PostgreSQL provides INSERT and DELETE statements to insert or delete the records from a Postgres table. In Postgres, the comma-separated syntax is used with the INSERT query to insert multiple rows into a table. The DELETE statement is used with an IN clause to delete multiple records from a table. This blog post explained how to insert or delete multiple rows from a table in PostgreSQL.