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PgWest 2011: Only a week away

PgWest is only a week a way folks, let's get those registrations in!

PgWest 2011: The Schedule is out!

This year we have a diverse range of topics on PostgreSQL. Of course we have all the standard topics on backups, performance, mvcc but we also have some very interesting presentations coming from VMWare, Fusion-IO and Translattice.

PgWest 2011: Trainings filling up fast

As we all know, PgWest is in San Jose this year in just under 3 weeks. The trainings are filling up fast and you will want to get your registrations in. We have great trainings on:

  • Performance
  • High Availability
  • Administration
  • Ruby on Rails (with PostgreSQL focus)
  • Normalization
  • DRBD

    These are filling up fast, so you will want to get your registration in.

PgWest 2011: Initial list of talks is up

We have another stellar year of content at PostgreSQL Conference West. The first round of talks has been reviewed and they are now published. There are some more talks on the way so stay tuned for the second round. We have also opened early registration, although we don't have the training options up yet. Take a look and watch for more official announcement style stuff soon.

Of note, Jim …

PostgreSQL at DEFCON 19

A while ago a gentlemen by the name of Josh (Abstrct) McDougall contacted me about a game he created and subsequent contest being held at DEFCON 19. What makes this so interesting is the majority of the game was created in PostgreSQL. This truly exposed the power of PostgreSQL and the ability to create business (or data) logic directly within the database instead of just using the database as a …

Fixing foreign key deadlocks, part three

As I have posted in previous articles ( Fixing foreign key deadlocks and Part 2), I am working on reducing the lock strength required by foreign key checks. I have a working patch that solves a lot of the problems already; however it doesn't solve the one problem that I initially set to fix. It turned out to require a bit more rejiggering than I initially considered.

Note: this …

CFP for West extended

PostgreSQL Conference West 2011 has extended it's call for papers by 12 days. The new schedule is below:

May 25th: Talk submission opens
August 12th: Talk submission closes (EXTENDED!)
August 16th: Speaker notification
The Conference, the largest direct financial contributor to the PostgreSQL community but money isn't always what the community needs. One of the things our community needs is a way to create a stable financial environment for developers …

Learning from mistakes, taking new directions, observations

Alright, so they aren't really new directions. Command Prompt has been submitting features to .Org for a long time, we have also been a large generator of content through activity on the mailing lists, the publicly available (if outdated) Practical PostgreSQL and not to mention all the content we provide through the PostgreSQL Conference site. However, with all of these things it is easy to get lost in the mire …

PostgreSQL Conference West to sponsor PostgreSQL feature development

As the primary organizer of The PostgreSQL Conference series, Command Prompt has been trying to find ways to continue to support the PostgreSQL Community. The Conference is already the highest direct financial contributor but the money isn't always what the community needs. The documentation may need some work (pg_dump section I am looking at you), we might want server to execute performance testing or there are features that the …

Netflix should tell 6,000 users to please cancel their accounts

Today, Netflix upped its rates. It was not an excessive increase (dollar wise) but it was enough to get some masses frothing at the mouth [1]. Here is the deal folks, Netflix is cheap, really cheap. It is so cheap that their selection is dwindling as their contracts become due. To get even close to the equivalent service from a cable company you would be looking at upward of 100.00 …