First and probably …
24x7x365 since 1997
First and probably …
The presentation does discuss some of the more popular features of 9.5, but as …
A normal trip for myself would mean driving down to SEA which is 90 minutes to 2 hours. This year, I decided on whim to see what it …
There was Unix, Linux and Windows. They all run on hardware and that hardware all has bugs. What is the best way to work around hardware bugs? Backups.
You haven't had bad hardware, only bad developers? That's o.k., we have a solution to them too. It is called backups.
You haven't had bad hardware or bad developers, just bosses who still demand to have direct access to …
postgres@sqitch:/# psql -U postgres psql (9.2.11) Type …
The presentation was provided by Eric Worden who happens to be a CMD employee. The talk overall is very good …
It was one of those moments that you realize just how blessed of a life you have. A moment where you stop and realize that you must have done something right, at least once. I was with my all of my ladies, there were no other people at the camp site, the weather was clear and it was …
Last night I attended the second WhatcomPUG. This meeting was about Sqitch, a interesting database revision control mechanism. The system is written in Perl and was developed by David Wheeler of PgTap fame. It looks and feels like git. As it is written in Perl it definitely has too many options. That said, what we were shown works, works well and appears to be a solid and thorough …