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PostgreSQL Conference East: Final Schedule announced

PostgreSQL Conference East is the Eastern segment of the United States PostgreSQL Conference series. The event is being held at Drexel University. It starts on April 3rd and runs through April 5. We kick the conference off on April 3rd with three sessions. For DBAs we have Mastering PostgreSQL Administration a four hour training, presented by PostgreSQL Core Team member Bruce Momjian. For Developers we have a Database Normalization, a …

More PostgreSQL Conference goodness, West 08 Keynote

This is the Keynote I gave at West 08 last October. Topics include updates on the various non-profits, reach out to tertiary communities, recognition of the importance of non direct PostgreSQL participation as well as many others (such as 8.4 and replication). Those interested in participating in the upcoming East should visit here and register.
Can we do anything more in 6 months?


Remembering excellence from past PostgreSQL Conferences

Just about 5 months ago we held PostgreSQL Conference, West 2008 in Portland Oregon. It was a very successful conference with approximate 20% growth over the previous West in 2007. It was also a three day conference over the previous West event which was a single day conference. As we prep to hold PostgreSQL Conference, East 2009 at Drexel University I wanted to look back at one of my favorite …

Pg Conference East 09, Registration open

This year is shaping up to be an even larger even than last year with 3 days, four rooms, and multiple tracks. East runs from April 3rd to April 5th at Drexel University. To register please point your Open Source web browser to PgUS. Registration is free for Students and Professors and starts at as low as 40.00 for University staff. Once you have registered make sure to visit and …

Seven things

Theo Schlossnagle recently wrote a blog post called seven things. The idea is, seven things that you "might" want to know about him. Along those lines he listed me as someone he would like to know seven things about. It has taken me a while to get to the post because I have been busy with various things. So here we go, seven things about me.
  • I have crashed …

PostgreSQL Conference: Talk deadline approaching

The deadline (Feb, 23rd) is fast approaching for PostgreSQL Conference East talk submissions. Get your talk in today!

PostgreSQL mininum requirements

In this article we will be discussing the minimum requirements for production usage of PostgreSQL whether on-prem or in the cloud. We will not be discussing proprietary forks such as Amazon RDS or other Open Source forks such as Yugabyte or Greenplum.

PostgreSQL is the Linux of databases. It provides the kernel and key features to the most critical database services available today.

What is that sound ... ... ... that is the sound of JD stomping.

After years of listening to Dave Page, Magnus Hagander, Josh Berkus, David Fetter, Stefan Kaltenbrunner, Ads, Gabrielle, JPA and numerous other contributors that I should mention but won't. I have finally submitted to get a passport. Well at least the application is filed. So let's tell a story about acquiring a passport in the United States. Generally speaking it doesn't seem to bad. I needed my birth certificate and my …

Using Simpycity in Pylons

Project Design Simpycity's core philosophy is that the DBA is going to perform the vast majority of the schema design without the aid of a conventional ORM. This is a marked divergence from most other ORMs and database abstraction layers, and it has an impact on how your project should be designed. The best results with Simpycity will be seen with a strong up-front requirements analysis, thorough schema design, and …

Configuring Pylons on Ubuntu Hardy

I recently configured a complete Pylons + PostgreSQL environment for a customer. The operating system was (of course) Ubuntu Hardy. The system included the use of Simpycity and WSGI. Although I could never done it without the Pylons documentation, I found that it was unnecessary complicated for those who just want to get it done. These are the steps I took:

Install some dependencies: The use of …