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PgEast: CFP closes, TODAY!

Alright folks, last call. It is beer thirty. CFP closes today. Let's get those talks in:

Submit Talk to PgEast

PgEast: 2011 CFP closes in 3 days!

Alright slackers, you know who you are. The constant presence at every conference. The speaker, that submits their talk at 11:59PM before the CFP closes, I am talking to YOU! In three days, the CFP for what is going to be the largest PostgreSQL Conference in the Western World to date (I say Western because JPUG kicks U.S. butt in attendance just at their user meetings alone), is going to …

MongoDB at PgEast.... say what?

I was surprised at first too but I have been talking to quite a few community members for MongoDB and due to the positive responses, PostgreSQL Conference East is going to be host to the excellent MongoDB community.

JD, Why would you do this? Why do we care? We are relational, they -- well I don't know what they are.

One of the goals of The PostgreSQL Conference Series is …

PostgreSQL vs MySQL @ Oracle NYC Head Quarters NYC (my brain just broke)

In my quest to insure an incredible turnout for PostgreSQL Conference, I contacted the MySQL meetup group in NYC. Of course my reasons were simple, I want MySQL people to show up and see the value of PostgreSQL. However, I learned a couple of new things.

Fixing foreign key deadlocks submitted

A week ago, I submitted my patch to fix the foreign key lock problem. What I propose is almost exactly what was described in my previous blog posts, with a couple of differences.

The first is that I decided to only check unique indexes, not all indexes. This is good because you can have other indexes for performance and they will not affect locking for foreign keys. I noticed that …

PgEast: 2011, Second call for papers!

January 18th, 2011: Celebrating 15 years of PostgreSQL, early.

That's right folks, it is time for second call. Content is being submitted steadily. At PgWest last year, we received well over our capacity of content and we would like to keep that trend going.

The PostgreSQL Conference for Developers,End Users and Decision Makers, is being held at the Hotel Pennsylvania,in New York City from March 22nd through 25th 2011. Please …

Recent Updates to postgres.js

We've been a bit quiet on the postgres.js front lately, but there's a couple of exciting new announcements that we'd like to go over with Postgres.js Firstly, we've plugged in LISTEN/NOTIFY support. This is huge, as it allows you to register asynchronous callbacks based on events from Postgres, outside of any transactional context. Additionally, as of PG 9.0, NOTIFY messages from the Postgres server can contain an arbitrary text payload. …

PgEast 2011: NYC Call for papers

December 16th, 2010: Celebrating 15 years of PostgreSQL, early.

Following on the smashing success of PostgreSQL Conference West, PostgreSQL Conference West, The PostgreSQL Conference for Developers, End Users and Decision Makers, is being held at the Hotel Pennsylvania, in New York City from March 22nd through 25th 2011. Please join us in continuing to make this the largest PostgreSQL Conference series!

R.I.P. PostgreSQL (Mammoth) Replicator

In 2004, PostgreSQL Core Team member Josh Berkus wrote[1]:

"Slony-I is undoubtedly our most popular replication tool. It supports Master-Slave High Availability Replication. However, there are a number of other solutions, such as dbMirror, eRServer, pgPool, C-JDBC, and the proprietary Mammoth Replicator, all of which are in wide use because they solve different replication problems than Slony-I does. Replication is not a single solution for a single problem; it is …

Looking for an Intermediate Sysadmin + Junior DBA

Command Prompt, Inc. is looking for an intermediate systems administrator and junior PostgreSQL administrator.

Command Prompt has provided PostgreSQL support, development, and hosting since 1997. We are looking for another person to join our stellar group of PostgreSQL systems experts.

We seek someone who has a deep knowledge of at least one UNIX-like system, and who knows how to manage heterogeneous systems well. You can demonstrate strong skills in basic …