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Are hump days, slow days? Wait ... what, No more Gnome for Ubuntu?

There are so many things to consider when working through the week. You never send a Press Release never on Monday or Friday. Scheduling meetings is always a bad idea on Monday. Thursdays always seem to be busy, probably because people want to be lazy on Friday. Monday you never know what is going to happen, you might get slammed or you might be waiting for the next email to …

INSERT..RETURNING in postgres.js

So as you all know, we've been working on postgres support for the up-and-coming node.js environment, and we just got a great new example of Postgres' functionality that we're proud to say we support - specifically, the query format INSERT..RETURNING. For those unfamiliar with INSERT..RETURNING, this type of query allows us to do just what it says - return a value, or set of values, after an INSERT statement. This …

PgWest 2010: Officially larger that PgEast 2010

As of 5:00PM PST PostgreSQL Conference West 2010 became the largest PostgreSQL Conference in the series. The conference is also still growing as registrations continue to come in.

Not only do we have more attendees coming to West than we did East, we have more content than we did at East. It seems that with every 6 months comes a new milestone for the series. PgWest 2010 has 3 full …

PgWest 2010: 8 Days and counting

I can't believe how far we have come from a single day, Saturday "PgDay" in 2007 to a full blown three day conference in the middle of the week. Twice a year, every year we have grown, adding content, reaching out to users, bringing the entire ecosystem together. The PgWest and PgEast conferences have grown to comprise the largest PostgreSQL conferences, anywhere.

Now that West is upon us in just …

PgWest 2010: Party Announced and Training Added!

PostgreSQL Conference West 2010 also known as PgWest, is having a party for attendees from 5:30pm to 8:30pm on November 3rd. Located on the 21st floor of the Sir Francis Drake Hotel, the 360-degree view from the Starlight Room is as breathtaking as any in the world, encompassing brilliant sunsets or rolling fog, city lights, and landmarks from Telegraph Hill to the Bay Bridge. Harry Denton's Starlight Room is the …

PgWest 2010: Anticipated talk, How To Say Yes To NoSQL: Using Redis With Postgres

There has been a lot of talk lately about this idea of "NoSQL". A lot of database traditionalists have been very down on the idea that something else is a better way to extract and store data. I have been in SQL land for so long that I can't even form a credible opinion on the matter. I know that SQL (for the most part) is logical. It makes sense …

PgWest 2010 anticipated talk: Source Forge

PostgreSQL Conference West is continuing to shape up as the largest PostgreSQL Conference, ever. We have a significant, solid and eclectic range of talks.

One of the talks that was just finalized today is, Deployment Best Practices. This is a great beginner talk. What I like about this talk is that is is from a tried and true, in the trenches company that has been using PostgreSQL since the …

PgWest 2010 Keynote speaker is: Sun Microsystems Founder, Scott McNealy

PostgreSQL Conference West (PgWest) 2010, the premiere PostgreSQL Conference for developers, users and decision makers is pleased to welcome Sun Microsystems founder, Scott McNealy as Key Note Speaker.

Please join us November 2nd - 4th at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel in sunny San Francisco for three days of networking, education, geeks, food and fun!

Registration is now open. The Agenda is available. As are the full talk descriptions!

And …

Evisceration: Learning from colorful mistakes

Most people are aware that we use Drupal for the PostgreSQL Conference. We are loud advocates of the platform, because it works -- mostly. In terms of being able to run a conference it is flexible enough to make it quirks bearable. However the one place that Drupal is severely lacking is event/scheduling. What is available is either lacking, broken, or just not yet done. Because of this we …

Do I get to attend a talk?

While at PgEast or PgWest I normally don't attend talks. Usually I am running around checking on rooms, making sure cameras are working or just generally recovering from yet another round of social interaction with everyone that is there. Do not kid yourself, it is exhausting.

This year at West I am hoping to attend a couple of talks. There are a few that are particularly interesting to me. The …